

The input component is a versatile input field that supports various configurations and states. It can be used for standard text inputs, search fields, password inputs, and more.


To use the input component, first import it into your project:

import { Input } from 'free-astro-components'


Here’s how you can use the input component in your Astro project:

Basic Usage

To create a basic input field, use the following code:


To disable the input field, set the disabled prop to true.


To make the input field readonly, set the readonly prop to true.


To style the input field as a search input, set the type prop to search.


To use the input field for passwords, set the type prop to password.

With Icon

You can include an icon in the input field using the icon attribute. The icon will be displayed on the right side of the input field. The icon can be selected from a list of available icons .

Helper Text

You can provide additional information using the helperText prop.


To indicate a specific state of the input field, use the status attribute. Possible values are default, success, and error. You can use helperText to provide additional context.


type string The type of the input (text, search, password, etc.). text
label string The text label associated with the input field. -
placeholder string The placeholder text for the input field. -
disabled boolean Disables the input field. false
readonly boolean Makes the input field read-only. false
icon string The icon to display in the input field, on the right side. The icon can be selected from a list of available icons. -
helperText string Additional text to assist the user. -
status default | success | error The status of the input field. default
class string CSS class for custom styling. -
other any Any other props will be passed to the input element. -


  • Keyboard Accessibility: Ensure that the input field can be focused and used with the keyboard.

  • ARIA Attributes: Use appropriate ARIA attributes to describe the state of the input, such as aria-invalid for error states.

  • Labeling: Provide clear labels for each input field to assist screen reader users.