

The button component is a versatile UI element for triggering actions or navigating through your application. Below are the available configurations and usage examples.


To use the button component, first import it into your project:

import { Button } from 'free-astro-components'


To button component can be easily added to your project. Below are various use cases.

Basic Usage


To disable the button, use the disabled prop.


The component supports two sizes: medium and small.


Choose from four visual variants to match different design contexts: 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'dark' | 'light'.

With Icon

You can add an icon to the button, either on the left or right side of the label.

Icon Only

For an icon-only button, omit the label prop.

Custom Styles

The button component offers various CSS variables that you can customize to match your design needs. Below are the available variables and an example of how to use them:

Available Variables


Example Customization

To customize the button styles, you can override these variables in your CSS:


label string The text displayed on the button -
size small | medium The size of the button medium
variant primary | secondary | dark | light The visual variant of the button primary
icon string The name of the icon to display on the button from the available icon list. -
iconPosition left | right The position of the icon relative to the label right
class string CSS class for custom styling. -
other any Any other props will be passed to the button element -


  • Keyboard Accessibility: Ensure that all buttons are reachable and operable using a keyboard. Focus should be clearly visible, and buttons should respond to keyboard events.

  • ARIA Attributes: Use appropriate ARIA roles and attributes to convey the button's purpose and state to assistive technologies.

  • Visual Clarity: Buttons should have sufficient contrast against their background to be easily distinguishable.